Welcome to our church, where we are more than just a congregation; we are a family. United by our shared faith in Christ, we embrace are youngest to our oldest as brother and sister. Intergenerational relationships are at the heart of our community. We learn from one another, celebrate life's triumphs, and support each other through challenges. Together, we share the common goal of striving toward a heavenly home, and we journey alongside each other, encouraging and uplifting one another along the way.
Join us in this warm and welcoming community, where we grow in faith and love, knowing that we are all aiming for the same eternal destination.
When you visit the Old Hickory Church of Christ, you will find friendly people who are passionate about following the teachings of the Bible. We are committed to doing things biblically because we believe obedience pleases God and improves you. We call that a 10:10 life (John 10:10). Here are some examples of this commitment:
Our Name - We are Christians. Nothing more, nothing less. What better name could there be?
Our Worship - We gather to worship with our family every first day of the week, the day of our Lord's resurrection.
Our Communion - Like early Christians, we meet around the Lord's table each Sunday to partake in a moving memorial to our Savior.
Our Singing - We sing in the simple, beautiful manner taught by the apostles and practiced by the original church (a cappella).
Our Governance - Like first-century churches, we are an autonomous congregation overseen by a loving group of men called elders.
Our Morals - We follow Jesus' teachings about human relationships including the permanence of marriage between a man and woman.
Our Mission - We share the love of Christ by seeking the lost, serving the poor, and sanctifying the saved.